
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pumpkin Light Study

A fellow photographer friend of mine recommended that a few of try out some of these LED continuous lights.  I finally dove in and thought,  this may help me with practicing lighting set ups on a smaller scale so I do not have to bring out the big lights (I normally shoot with Alien Bees).  The lights I invested in were Neewer® Pro CN-160 LED camera video lamps.  I bought three of them.   Rough part with these lights, is that at full power,  they only can do about f5.6 (maybe f8) if I shoot at ISO400.  I really prefer to shoot at ISO100 since I have an older camera and noise starts to show up at ISO400.  But since these are practice runs, and these images will not be used for publication,  the slower f-stops should not be a problem (except for DOF).

SO now for images....

A mini set up with the NEEWER PRO lights and some backdrop
light stands.  Amazon only let me order three of the stands.
Cannot wait to order more stands so I can make a mini
backdrop holder  and then have all three of my
lights independent.

All three lights, one of them gelled with the warm filter.
Reflector camera left.

Removed reflector and one of the lights.

Two lights and ambient light from open window. 

Blocked window light and used only two lights.
Again, the one camera right is gelled. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fresh Bread

Wow,  I did not blog a single post in the whole month of September.  Sorry about that!

I am still recovering my my morning sickness at times,  but I am just getting back into the swing of things, like cooking, cleaning, and working in my little garden.  Looks like I will be jumping back into my food photography soon as well!  With the holidays ahead, there will be many fun images to capture and create!

An update:  I have started selling some of my images on  Feel free to check out my shop.  Right now there are only greeting cards on there, but I will be adding print options soon as well.

Here's some images of a fresh loaf of bread and a recipe to follow.  Most of the ingredients were organic, and the yummy butter was from a grass fed cow!

Basic White Bread 
Adapted from "The Bread Machine Cookbook" by Beth Hensperger

1 2/3 cups water
1 1/2 Tbs Butter (sliced thinly)
1 1/2 Tbs coconut sugar
4 cups of bread flour (I had 1 cup of Whole Wheat and 3 cups of organic white on hand).
1/4 C dried goat milk (or you could substitute dry milk).
2 t salt
1 TBS bread machine yeast.

Place all the ingredients in your bread machine according to bread machine instructions.  Put on dough setting and let it do its thing.  Take it out and put into two 9x13 bread pans.  Let rise for about 30-45min.  Bake on 350 for 35min.  Enjoy! :D

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Preparing for PPA Print competions part 2

So I worked on at least two images.  I am not happy with how they came out.  The meat in the bowl is not tack sharp if I am going for the overall scene being the subject.  Also, that white bowl,  very distracting.  I need to work on more prints anyways.  I need at least three for State. So more work ahead.  At least you can see what the finished product looks like.  Well... back to the drawing board!

Preparing for PPA Competion Part 1

I've finally decided to start preparing for PPA competition.  The challenging thing is,  many of the images entered are either landscape or portraits.  I do not see many food images that make the loan collection.  But I would love to challenge myself to do the competition with my food photography and see where it takes me.

First stop is the State PPA affiliated association.  Their competition is in September.  So I would get my feet wet there and learn as much as I can.  (BTW if you are a print judge or will be on in the upcoming Southwest or IPC, please DO NOT READ ON).

Are we LAPPA, SWPPA, and PPA judge free now?

Ok, good.  So I am starting this with my set up,  or how in the end I had the set up:

Here's an animated gif of my thought process.  You can watch me take away light as things went on. (I know, gifs are annoying,  but at least I did not post all 40ish images one at a time! :D )

Not sure if I am thrilled with the outcome of the images.  I may play with one of them and think about entering it.  OR I might just try to start over with a new idea.  We'll see.   Now to throw in the 12 elements of a merit image and see how I feel about yesterday:

12 Elements of a merit image:

1.) Impact 
is the sense one gets upon viewing an image for the first time. Compelling images evoke laughter, sadness, anger, pride, wonder or another intense emotion. There can be impact in any of these twelve elements.  
Hmm... I hope it invokes a feeling for wanting Italian for lunch after they are done judging. 
2.) Technical excellence is the print quality of the image itself as it is presented for viewing. Retouching, manipulation, sharpness, exposure, printing, mounting, and correct color are some items that speak to the qualities of the physical print.
Haven't looked up close at these images yet.  I'm not sure if they are tack sharp enough yet.  The images in the gif are sooc (straight out of the camera).  So I know already they are a wee bit on the red side.
3.) Creativity is the original, fresh, and external expression of the imagination of the maker by using the medium to convey an idea, message or thought.
Well,  this is challenging with food photography.  But how many photographers try to tell a story with food before it's cooked?  
4.) Style is defined in a number of ways as it applies to a creative image. It might be defined by a specific genre or simply be recognizable as the characteristics of how a specific artist applies light to a subject. It can impact an image in a positive manner when the subject matter and the style are appropriate for each other, or it can have a negative effect when they are at odds.
While I am still developing my style,  I have come to enjoy just tunneling the light to my subject leaving lots of dark areas.  I've always gone the contrasty route.  As you can see with my diagram,  I was trying to manipulate the light.  The food is backlit, which is standard with food photography.  I hope that I show that I can control the light. 
5.) Composition is important to the design of an image, bringing all of the visual elements together in concert to express the purpose of the image. Proper composition holds the viewer in the image and prompts the viewer to look where the creator intends. Effective composition can be pleasing or disturbing, depending on the intent of the image maker.
This is hard.  Not sure how close I came to composition.  I'm pretty sure IF I were to enter an image in from this set,  that I may lose points on this one. 
6.) Presentation affects an image by giving it a finished look. The mats and borders used, either physical or digital, should support and enhance the image, not distract from it.
Looking forward to talking to my photographer friends on how to do this.  I want to make sure I do it right.  Makes me thankful I'm part of a local guild. 
7.) Color Balance supplies harmony to an image. An image in which the tones work together, effectively supporting the image, can enhance its emotional appeal. Color balance is not always harmonious and can be used to evoke diverse feelings for effect.
This is where the white bowl may make me lose points.  I tried to pick all my colors carefully.  My husband was bothered by the monotony   but I think it was important to chose all tan so that the colors flowed.  Now to make sure my color is balanced.  I did initially did a custom color balance,  but then I moved my set and forgot to do it again.  
8.) Center of Interest is the point or points on the image where the maker wants the viewer to stop as they view the image. There can be primary and secondary centers of interest. Occasionally there will be no specific center of interest, when the entire scene collectively serves as the center of interest.
Hoping the whole scene will collectively serve as the center of interest. 
9.) Lighting—the use and control of light—refers to how dimension, shape and roundness are defined in an image. Whether the light applied to an image is manmade or natural, proper use of it should enhance an image.
See what I wrote about style.  I love working with light! 
10.) Subject Matter should always be appropriate to the story being told in an image.
It's food!! :D  Tried to make sure the props were not too crazy, and that they all flowed together in telling the story.
11.) Technique is the approach used to create the image. Printing, lighting, posing, capture, presentation media, and more are part of the technique applied to an image.
Hmmm... I hope I nailed at least some technique.  Goal is to hit it all. 
12.) Story Telling refers to the image’s ability to evoke imagination. One beautiful thing about art is that each viewer might collect his own message or read her own story in an image.
Tried to tell the story of ravioli in the making.  
I should have an image chosen and worked on in the next 48 hours.  I will keep you all posted on what I will do.  Again,  I am not too pleased with these images and may not send one of these to our state competition   At least Southwest is not till April and I have time to do some more mastery. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tomatoes from my Garden

Yesterday I finally got my 60mm lens.  I'm so excited about it!  Fun part is remembering that the closer to my subject I get with it,  the more DOF there will be, no matter what f-stop I am at.  It's a macro lens,  so this will enable me to get closer to my subjects than I was able to with my 50mm lens that broke a few months ago.  Loving this new lens.  Loving the tomatoes coming from my garden.  Enjoy!  Be sure to follow me on Facebook!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Whole Wheat Zucchini Bread

Still working on mastering my food photography.  I decided to google on how to do food styling with a loaf of bread.  I did not want to just take pictures of a loaf of bread with slices,  I wanted it to be more than that.  Thankfully, someone started a pintrest board of.... bread food styling!  How cool is that?  So I looked through it and gained some ideas and finally came up with what I wanted to create for this loaf of bread that I baked. 

Since I really like to have butter with this bread,  I thought I could tell the story with a dish of butter, a knife, and I also used a towel to help pull everything together.  The bread was not fresh.  It was two days old.  Also,  off this loaf I only sliced of one slice.  The other slices were from the other loaf in this batch. 

Be sure to leave your thoughts in a comment below.  Be sure to follow my adventures on my facebook food photography page.  I sometimes post images there and not on here. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Catchup day!

We have five days left of the program,  and I am already behind.  Whew!

Days 22+23.  Make a list of images you would want to create and then sketch what it would look like, and then create the image.

I found this to be a very good exercise and I bought a notebook so I can do more of these before I shoot my sessions.  At the beginning of this month when I took the challenge   we were ask to tell a story.  It was very challenging for me.  But now that we are writing things down and drawing it out,  it makes it easier for me to tell the story.  Love it!  One thing I also learned was,  just because I can draw it, does not mean it will really work.  The herbs on the books was a cute idea,  but I do not think it really works.

Still need to make a "Not to use" list  (Day 24).  It's normally all in my head when I sit down.    For instance,  in the first image,  I wanted it to be more contrasty,  so I knew using a reflector (or bounce card) camera right would add too many highlights and reduce contrast.  So... the bounce card was on the do not use list.  Where as the opposite was true for the lower image.

Day 21?  Make a food styling kit:

Had fun with this challenge!  There are still some things I need to add, but if I go on location or where ever I am in the house,  I now have access to everything I need in one place.  So awesome.

Here are some other images I created from this past session.  Which one is your favorite?  Leave a comment below and let me know! :D

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Days 15,16,17

Whew,  I'm behind a few days. That should make for some interesting reading, eh?

It's been crazy, but in a good way.  I've had a few other projects pop up,  and so I had to put this on hold for a few days.  Glad to be back though!

DAY 15  Using napkins

Now,  I collect napkins on clearance.  If I go to a store, and see some awesome napkins on clearance,  I snach them up.  I have quite the collection.  I never really though too much about them being food photography props,  we use them for family dinners to make the table look nicer.  I don't mind washing and folding them (too much). :D

I did what the assignment asked,  took a picture without a napkin, and then chose a napkin or two to fit the subject.  I love the desgin on the yellow napkin,  but as a rule,  shooting with dark subjects keep everything dark.  The yellow napkin was too bright for the whole "story".  My favorite image was with the green napkin.  Next time I will have to watch for the fuzz balls.

DAY 16  Plates

I have an ample amount of plates to play with.  I was torn between the blue plate and the red plate.  Mr. Neel said to avoid plates with designs around the edge, mostly if they are contrasty.  Does it really detract from the strawberry in the middle? 

DAY 17  Balance

This was a wee bit more of a challenge for me with my chosen subject matter.  A huge problem I have, is that I cannot cut anything straight.  Could I attain a balanced image?  I think I may have.  Now I am second guessing myself.   Which is your favorite?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Days 12 and 13 Rose petal jelly and a sneek peek

So Day 12 was about backgrounds.  I set up my tea set, and worked with a creation I cooked up the night before,  rose petal jelly.  I have a huge rose bush in my yard and I have always wanted to make rose petal jelly.  Finally fulfilled that dream.  It's pretty good! My son and I made buiscets together for this one.  It was a blast.

I also took advantage of this to practice the story,  so I have moved through the backgrounds,  I finally got my story right in the end.  Whew,  that was challenging!   Here's the final image:

Here are my other attempts with different backgrounds.  As I said before, it took me a while to get the set up right.

Last, but not least,  today we have to talk about organizing our food photography props.  HA!  Organize.  I've actually done that.  I have noted where all my extra stuff is,  and I have a special cabinet space for the food photography props that will only be used for food photography.   MY favorite, is the spoons I just collected.  I went to the antique village and bought up a whole bunch of old spoons.  While I was there I found a cheap old cigar box and figured it would be great for holding all of my spoons.  Loving it! :D

My lone shelf with food photography props

My box of old spoons.

Be sure to like my facebook page

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 11 --- White Balance and Strawberries

Today, I decided to keep things simple in a multitude of ways.

1) Only natural light.
2) One food.
3) One dish no props.

I'm still struggling with the whole story telling thing.  Today I decided to skip it, and just play with white balance, orientation, blocking/reflecting light, and using my light meter.

Here's my submission for the assignment:

It was fun to see what the other white balance settings would do.  My dream as a professional photographer is to manually do white balance and not let the camera chose what kalvin to use.  I have finally mastered doing everything else manually,  maybe for the rest of the month,  I should challenge myself to do the white balance manually.  I did calibrate the WB for at least one of these above shared images.  

I have included some more strawberry images for practice and fun.

Before adding a blocker and adjusting WB

After adding a blocker and adjusting WB.  Some final adjusting was done later in post processing.

Be sure to go like my facebook page!  (please :D )
